I have done some really basic testing as i want to prove that this is not working correctly. I have added 3 scripts into a clean input.conf
script = 'Filetest01' | out-file "c:\temp\filetest01 $(get-date -f "yyyy-MM-dd HH.mm").txt"
schedule = */5 * * * *
Index = Sandbox
Source = Powershell-test01
Sourcetype = Powershellscript
script = 'Filetest02' | out-file "c:\temp\filetest02 $(get-date -f "yyyy-MM-dd HH.mm").txt"
schedule = */5 * * * *
Index = Sandbox
Source = Powershell-test02
Sourcetype = Powershellscript
script = 'Filetest03' | out-file "c:\temp\filetest03 $(get-date -f "yyyy-MM-dd HH.mm").txt"
schedule = */5 * * * *
Index = Sandbox
Source = Powershell-test03
Sourcetype = Powershellscript
The log is reporting this when starting the service
06-26-2020 10:06:07.1442893+2 INFO Exiting powershell host script.
06-26-2020 10:06:22.8073774+2 INFO start splunk-powerhsell.ps1
06-26-2020 10:06:24.2149136+2 INFO launched disposer
this is the result
1. Filetest01 starts to run as the first job when the service is restart, but non of the other
2. File should not start 1 sec behind schedule
3. Some scripts will execute 2 times
4. Filetest2 was skipped once. it goes from 10 > 20 where it was expected to be each 5 min
Name LastWriteTime
---- -------------
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.06.txt 26-06-2020 10:06:24
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.14.txt 26-06-2020 10:14:59
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.19.txt 26-06-2020 10:19:59
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.20.txt 26-06-2020 10:20:00
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.29.txt 26-06-2020 10:29:59
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.34.txt 26-06-2020 10:34:59
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.35.txt 26-06-2020 10:35:00
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.44.txt 26-06-2020 10:44:59
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.49.txt 26-06-2020 10:49:59
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.50.txt 26-06-2020 10:50:00
filetest02 2020-06-26 10.09.txt 26-06-2020 10:09:59
filetest02 2020-06-26 10.10.txt 26-06-2020 10:10:00
filetest02 2020-06-26 10.19.txt 26-06-2020 10:19:59
filetest02 2020-06-26 10.24.txt 26-06-2020 10:24:59
filetest02 2020-06-26 10.25.txt 26-06-2020 10:25:00
filetest02 2020-06-26 10.34.txt 26-06-2020 10:34:59
filetest02 2020-06-26 10.39.txt 26-06-2020 10:39:59
filetest02 2020-06-26 10.40.txt 26-06-2020 10:40:00
filetest02 2020-06-26 10.49.txt 26-06-2020 10:49:59
filetest03 2020-06-26 10.09.txt 26-06-2020 10:09:59
filetest03 2020-06-26 10.14.txt 26-06-2020 10:14:59
filetest03 2020-06-26 10.15.txt 26-06-2020 10:15:00
filetest03 2020-06-26 10.24.txt 26-06-2020 10:24:59
filetest03 2020-06-26 10.29.txt 26-06-2020 10:29:59
filetest03 2020-06-26 10.30.txt 26-06-2020 10:30:00
filetest03 2020-06-26 10.39.txt 26-06-2020 10:39:59
filetest03 2020-06-26 10.44.txt 26-06-2020 10:44:59
filetest03 2020-06-26 10.45.txt 26-06-2020 10:45:00
UniversalForwarder Version
Upgraded to Version
After upgrade it looks good
Name LastWriteTime
---- -------------
filetest01 2020-06-26 10.57.txt 26-06-2020 10:57:12
filetest01 2020-06-26 11.00.txt 26-06-2020 11:00:00
filetest01 2020-06-26 11.05.txt 26-06-2020 11:05:00
filetest02 2020-06-26 10.57.txt 26-06-2020 10:57:12
filetest02 2020-06-26 11.00.txt 26-06-2020 11:00:00
filetest02 2020-06-26 11.05.txt 26-06-2020 11:05:00
filetest03 2020-06-26 10.57.txt 26-06-2020 10:57:12
filetest03 2020-06-26 11.00.txt 26-06-2020 11:00:00
filetest03 2020-06-26 11.05.txt 26-06-2020 11:05:00
At last i found out this was a problem in the splunk version that was fixed later.
Is it possible to not have Splunk run all scripts when starting the service. as i don't think it support Cron 0/5 * * * *