Hi all,
I'm trying to get data into CrowdStrike Intel Indicatos Technical Add-On follow this guide in US Commercial 2 cloud enviroment. I realized that I can't find Indicators (Falcon Intelligence) permission of API token like that document mentioned. After that, I found that it has IOCs (Indicators of Compromise), Actors (Falcon Intelligence), Reports (Falcon Intelligence)so I checked that.
But, it still have error "ACCESS DENIED" like:
ERROR pid=6180 tid=MainThread file=base_modinput.py:log_error:317 | CrowdStrike Intel Indicators TA 3.1.3 CrowdStrike_Intel_Indicators: Error contacting the CrowdStrike Device API, please provide this TraceID to CrowdStrike support = <device_id>
ERROR pid=6180 tid=MainThread file=base_modinput.py:log_error:317 | CrowdStrike Intel Indicators TA 3.1.3 CrowdStrike_Intel_Indicators: Error contacting the CrowdStrike Device API, error message = access denied, authorization failed
ERROR pid=6180 tid=MainThread file=base_modinput.py:log_error:317 | CrowdStrike Intel Indicators TA 3.1.3 CrowdStrike_Intel_Indicators: TA is shutting down
I have already used the same API token for CrowdStrike Event Streams Technical Add-On and it works normally.
Please help me to fix this!
Thank you.