I have a splunk universal forwarder , The Perform can only give me the short host name.
but at the same time WinEventLog:* can give me correct FQDN,
I want to have consistent host name across the environment. any one have some idea?
I have set up host=win-dns.domain.org in inputs.conf (both sysetm\lcoal and apps\msicreate\local)
========EVENT SEARCH SAMPLE============
05/27/2011 15:40:10.833
collection="Network Interface"
object="Network Interface"
counter="Bytes Received/sec"
instance="Intel[R] PRO_1000 MT Network Connection"
sourcetype=Perfmon:Network Interface
source=Perfmon:Network Interface
The reason WinEventLog:* can give you correct FQDN is Splunk extract ComputerName of WinEventLog as host name by default. So, you need to be aware of this in order to have consistent host name for windows eventlog and other sourcetype. Hope this help.