We have some syslog feeds coming directly into an indexer. While this will eventually get addressed with forwarders I'd like to overwrite both the source and host indexed fields.
The forwarded syslogs looke like the following:
timestamp Forwarded from IP_address: whatever blah blah blah
and we are capturing the forwared from IP address in the following stanza
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Host
REGEX = Forwarded\sfrom\s([^: ]+):
FORMAT = host::$1
Since I'd like to also grab the "whatever" and put it into the source field I'm wondering if I need to do that with a separate stanza in the transforms.conf file or if it can be included in the existing one. If it does require a second stanza in transforms can I call that from a second line in the props.conf stanza? For example
[source blah]
--as above--
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Source
REGEX = Forwarded\sfrom\s\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+: (\S+)
FORMAT = source::$1
Have I overlooked anything?
Because of needing to set DEST_KEY
, I think your second approach with two different TRANSFORMS-xxx
rules in props is the proper configuration.
Because of needing to set DEST_KEY
, I think your second approach with two different TRANSFORMS-xxx
rules in props is the proper configuration.
That was my thought/concern as well. Came into work this morning and added a second transforms call in the props and it did the trick. Thanks!