I have one random searchhead that keeps showing up under the "Indexing Performance by Instance" portion of the Indexing Performance dashboard of the DMC. It says it has an inedxing rate of 0 kb/s. It does not show up on any of the other Indexing related dashboards of the DMC and also does not show up under the index clustering displays on the index cluster master. Any ideas as to why this one random search head would be showing up under indexing performance?
On your DMC go to Settings > Monitoring Console > Settings (in the grey bar) > General Setup
Find the name of the node > click on edit > edit server roles
Remove any roles not related to a search head. I'm guessing it's marked as an "indexer".
On your DMC go to Settings > Monitoring Console > Settings (in the grey bar) > General Setup
Find the name of the node > click on edit > edit server roles
Remove any roles not related to a search head. I'm guessing it's marked as an "indexer".
That was it! Thank you so much
Glad to hear that was the resolution and happy to help.
The DMC "role" doesn't actually affect the behavior of the node, only how it's reflected in the reporting.