Found my issue... There is a indexes.conf in system/local/indexes.conf over writing my setting in apps/
Is that index name you're using a typo? ad_authentiation
seems to be a word that's missing a c
index=ad_authentiation EventCode=624 | rex field=_raw "User=(?<AD_Admin>.+)" | rex field=_raw "ComputerName=(?<AD_System>.+)"|rex field=_raw "New\sAccount\sName:\s(?<AD_NewUser>.+)" |rex field=_raw "New\sDomain:\s(?<AD_Domain>.+)" | rex field=_raw "Primary\sGroup\sID:\s(?<AD_GID>.+)" | rex field=_raw "Display\sName:\s(?<AD_DisplayName>.+)" |rex field=_raw "Account\sExpires:\s\<(?<AcctExpires>.+)\>" |rex field=_raw "'Password\sNot\sRequired\'\s\-(?<PasswdNOTRequired>.+)" |convert ctime(_time) as timestamp | table timestamp,AD_NewUser,AD_Domain,AD_GID,AD_DisplayName,AD_System,AD_Admin,AcctExpires,PasswdNOTRequired
Can you post the exact search syntax you're using? Is it possible that your index retention policy is set such that the old data simply got purged out of the index?