I am in the middle of a Splunk migration. One of the tasks is to moved data from some sourcetypes onto the new servers using the | collect index=aws sourcetype=* command.
The numbers added up after running checks. I run the same checks again a day later and the numbers no longer match up.
Source 1 -> | Old Splunk | New Splunk | Source 2 -> | Old Splunk | New Splunk |
August | 12,478,853 | 12,478,853 | 26,171,911 | 26,171,911 |
24 hours later
Source 1 -> | Old Splunk | New Splunk | Source 2 -> | Old Splunk | New Splunk |
12,478,853 | 12,477,696 | 26,171,911 | 3,001,183 |
I've set the following stanza within the indexes.conf file on the deployment server. Also the index only contains 22gb of data. Can you help?
coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB\$_index_name\colddb
enableDataIntegrityControl = 0
enableTsidxReduction = 0
homePath = $SPLUNK_DB\$_index_name\db
maxTotalDataSizeMB = 512000
thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB\$_index_name\thaweddb