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Linebreaking and event date in text file

Path Finder

We have a text file to log row counts for CSV files used in an ETL job. The format of the file is like this:

08/30/15 16:08:51
acme_file.csv: 0
coyote_file.csv: 0
anvil_file.csv: 88835
roadrunner_file.csv: 330333

I want to break this into one line per filename from line 2 onward, into fields {filename}.csv: {rowcount} Note that the first line in the .txt file is the datetime for all of the events.

I think the linebreaking is fairly straightforward via props.conf on my indexers, but that first line with the datetime is in a different format; I want to use that and apply it to all subsequent lines. Little help!

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Based on this clarification:

Yes, the timestamp is in the filename: 08-30-2015_162551__summary.txt

You can do it like this:


<define name="datetimefromfile" extract="month, day, year, hour, minute, second">
   <use name="datetimefromfile"/>
   <use name="datetimefromfile"/>


DATETIME_CONFIG = /etc/apps/MyApp/default/datetime.xml
0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Can you have the timestamp added to the filename? If so, you can use datetime.xml easily to do this.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Yes, the timestamp is in the filename: 08-30-2015_162551__summary.txt

0 Karma
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