I have a json format of data, I can not use the following method to process the results I want, when metricValue is a new dictionary, I changed how to extract.
index="huawei_fc" sourcetype="BW_HWFC:metric:host" | rename value{}.* as * | eval t = mvzip(metricId,metricValue) | mvexpand t | eval mId=mvindex(split(t,","),0),mValue=mvindex(split(t,","),1) | stats values(mValue) as mValue by _time,urn,mId
I was unable to extract the data in metricValue from the SPL above
Try a different delimiter in mvzip and split
| eval t = mvzip(metricId,metricValue,"|") | mvexpand t | eval mId=mvindex(split(t,"|"),0),mValue=mvindex(split(t,"|"),1)