I have logs from Docker in JSON format posted to Splunk HTTP Event Collector. All fields are dynamically recognized, but the last field tag is never recognized. Is it possible that this is due to the duplicate source field just before field tag? The source field seems to be a default Splunk field and it’s extracted twice : in the raw and in the input source.
Here's some examples of some JSON events:
{"line":{"time":"2018-09-05 15:39:27.370","level":"silly","message":"Healthcheck:Completed"},"source":"stdout","tag":"dc7eb5ace680","attrs":{"appName":"ms-chatservice","appType":"microservice"}}
{"line":{"time":"2018-09-05 15:56:27.267","level":"debug","message":"KafkaBase.getTopicMetadata: Test"},"source":"stdout","tag":"6960306e978c","attrs":{"appName":"ms-chatservice","appType":"microservice"}}
{"line":"\u001b[0mGET /api/protected/notifications?skip=0\u0026limit=100 \u001b[36m304 \u001b[0m56.743 ms - -\u001b[0m","source":"stdout","tag":"1b6e7b4e756e","attrs":{"appName":"web-pro","appType":"webapp"}}
Does someone have an idea why?
perhaps because "tag" is a reserved field in Splunk?