Hi all,
Is there a way to monitor the size of log files that i upload on Splunk ?
I don't think Splunk explicitely logs the size of the files that are ingested, but if those files have unique names and those names are captured in the source field (which is the case by default for file monitor inputs), you could check the license usage by source. That should give a pretty good indication of the file size.
index="_internal" source="*license_usage.log" type=Usage
| stats sum(b) AS bytes by s
To narrow down the results, you could add some filtering for the source (s) field (e.g.s="*.log"
) in the first line depending on the patter of log file names for which you want to check the size.
I don't think Splunk explicitely logs the size of the files that are ingested, but if those files have unique names and those names are captured in the source field (which is the case by default for file monitor inputs), you could check the license usage by source. That should give a pretty good indication of the file size.
index="_internal" source="*license_usage.log" type=Usage
| stats sum(b) AS bytes by s
To narrow down the results, you could add some filtering for the source (s) field (e.g.s="*.log"
) in the first line depending on the patter of log file names for which you want to check the size.
Yes, you can use the license usage search to know the size.
index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type=Usage idx= st= | eval GB=b/1024/1024/1024 | timechart sum(GB) by idx
You can change idx (index) and st to match the ones which you used.
Hello @clementros,
I use the following search to list all sources and their corresponding license usage:
index=_internal source="*license_usage.log" type=usage | eval MB = b/1048576 | chart sum(MB) as sum_MB by s | eval sum_MB=round(sum_MB,0) | rename s as source | sort source
Set the search time picker accordingly.
It is also possible list license usage for all sourcetypes, all hosts and all indexes.