I have a situation: The logs are getting generated 24x7, but the client wants to monitor only during offline hours (18:55 to 07:00). Even if I stop Splunk in online hours, the logs will get indexed.. Is there a solution where I tell splunk to index only in given time range or ignore events older than last 1 hour? The ignoreolderthan parameter of inputs.conf works on last modified date of the files, what about the events within?
Any help would be great!
Use cron to stop/start your syslog listener during that time..
use transforms and props.conf file and drop online events(not index) , match _time field in regex in transforms.conf
see route and filter data in http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.1/Forwarding/Routeandfilterdatad
out of pure curiosity, how would you do an regex on an epoch time for those online hours?
Agreed.. It may not be possible to filter out based on REGEX in props/transforms.