Hi, I am trying to upload a file with json formatted data like below but it's not coming properly. I tried using 2 ways -
Tue 21 Apr 14:16:26 BST 2020
{"items":[{"cpu.load": "0.97","total.jvm.memory": "6039.798 MB","free.jvm.memory": "4466.046 MB","used.jvm.memory": "1573.752 MB","total.physical.system.memory": "16.656 GB","total.free.physical.system.memory": "3874.03 MB","total.used.physical.system.memory": "12.782 GB","number.of.cpus": "8"}]}
Tue 21 Apr 14:16:36 BST 2020
{"items":[{"cpu.load": "0.97","total.jvm.memory": "6039.798 MB","free.jvm.memory": "4456.382 MB","used.jvm.memory": "1583.415 MB","total.physical.system.memory": "16.656 GB","total.free.physical.system.memory": "3874.439 MB","total.used.physical.system.memory": "12.782 GB","number.of.cpus": "8"}]}
Is there a way to ingest/upload this data properly?
Tue 21 Apr 14:16:26 BST 2020
{"items":[{"cpu.load": "0.97","total.jvm.memory": "6039.798 MB","free.jvm.memory": "4466.046 MB","used.jvm.memory": "1573.752 MB","total.physical.system.memory": "16.656 GB","total.free.physical.system.memory": "3874.03 MB","total.used.physical.system.memory": "12.782 GB","number.of.cpus": "8"}]}
Tue 21 Apr 14:16:36 BST 2020
{"items":[{"cpu.load": "0.97","total.jvm.memory": "6039.798 MB","free.jvm.memory": "4456.382 MB","used.jvm.memory": "1583.415 MB","total.physical.system.memory": "16.656 GB","total.free.physical.system.memory": "3874.439 MB","total.used.physical.system.memory": "12.782 GB","number.of.cpus": "8"}]}
Tue 21 Apr 14:16:46 BST 2020
{"items":[{"cpu.load": "0.84","total.jvm.memory": "6039.798 MB","free.jvm.memory": "4449.94 MB","used.jvm.memory": "1589.858 MB","total.physical.system.memory": "16.656 GB","total.free.physical.system.memory": "3867.042 MB","total.used.physical.system.memory": "12.789 GB","number.of.cpus": "8"}]}
Your rawdata contain timestamp Tue 21 Apr 14:16:26 BST 2020
and after that you have valid JSON, so you can't use _json sourcetype or INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS=json
At search time you use regex and then spath to create/extract fields from json blob.
your_base_query | rex field=_raw "(?<ext_json>{[^}]+}]})" | spath input=ext_json
Your rawdata contain timestamp Tue 21 Apr 14:16:26 BST 2020
and after that you have valid JSON, so you can't use _json sourcetype or INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS=json
At search time you use regex and then spath to create/extract fields from json blob.
your_base_query | rex field=_raw "(?<ext_json>{[^}]+}]})" | spath input=ext_json
@harsmarvania57 Thanks for the response but how would i upload the data at first place? which sourcetype should i use?
Because if i use automatic, the timestamp field comes as a separate event
Create your own sourcetype Like app_json
@harsmarvania57 I have already tried it and as i said it creates a separate event with just a timestamp. I don't want that I want that whole thing in a single event because I need that timestamp value in my report. I have attached s screenshot where you can see there are 2 separate events but that is actually a single event in the log file
I can’t see any screenshot, also please provide your raw data in code format(Use 101010 button)
@harsmarvania57 added
Based on data you have provided I have created below sourcetype on Indexer, if you are ingesting data via Heavy Forwarder then you need to create below props.conf on Heavy Forwarder.
LINE_BREAKER = }([\r\n]+)
TIME_FORMAT = %a %d %b %H:%M:%S %Z %Y
And then used search query which I have provided and it is extracting data.
@harsmarvania57 That actually worked. Thank you. I am getting time time and the json in same event though the _time field has not been extracted. How do i extract the time because I have to plot the graph based on time.
I can see time from raw data in _time, see screenshot from my lab instance https://imgur.com/a/bW5T8ok
How are you ingesting data ?