We have 2 indexers running on Windows to monitor our production network. A search head distributes the searches across the 2 indexers.
I am planning to add a third indexer running on Linux.
I am guessing the communication between search head and indexers is isolated from the operating system and so this should not be a problem.
Would there be any problem running the indexers on different operating systems?
There shouldn't be any problem with running dissimilar environments in terms of the OS platform, so your correct, this should not be a problem.
Were you able to mix OS in indexer cluster and if so how did you deal with slashes in index.conf?
Windows uses backward slash "\"
While Linux uses forward "/"
In indexer cluster environments, the master, search heads, and all cluster peers must run on separate machines, and each machine must be using the same operating system.
For more info, see:
There shouldn't be any problem with running dissimilar environments in terms of the OS platform, so your correct, this should not be a problem.