I am using the universal forwarder(UF) to monitor a directory for a CSV file on a remote server. I have configured inputs.conf on the UF to monitor the dir. I am forwarding the data to a Heavy Forwarder which will then forward to an indexer cluster.
I want to tell Splunk where to find the time field and header line using a source type in props.conf
Which component in the distributed environment needs to have the source type configured? The UF, HF or indexer layer?
It depends.
As you are mentioning CSV with INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS = CSV, then it goes on props.conf on the collector, so the UF. The events will not be reparsed again at the indexer level.
Thank you @yannk for the clear delineation.
CSV is unique. You should have INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS = CSV
on all three props.conf
So I need props at all three layers?
For the CSV case, you need it at the forwarder level and at the indexer level and from best practices perspective, the three layers should be identical configuration-wise.
Excellent, so as long as I have INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS = CSV it should pick up the fields? Or do I need HEADER_FIELD_LINE_NUMBER = 1 also?
is fine or you can let Splunk detect it...
I just used the Add Data feature for a csv
file and it shows -
I deleted all except INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS = CSV
and finished the upload. The data and all the fields are extracted and the generated stanza in props.conf
is surprisingly -
KV_MODE = none
category = Structured
description = Comma-separated value format. Set header and other settings in "Delimited Settings"
disabled = false
pulldown_type = true