I am trying to configure Splunk to ingest only application, system and security logs from my local machine. But I can't find "Local event log collection" on my Splunk enterprise on my MacBook.
But on my former laptop, which was a windows OS, I could find the "Local event log collection" option in the data input section.
Please how can I go about this?
Are you trying to collect macOS logs or Windows logs?
If you are trying those from macOS, there are logd input method which you could try. Unfortunately there is some issues with current splunk versions with it (see https://community.splunk.com/t5/Getting-Data-In/Wrong-parameters-on-macOS-and-logd-input/td-p/702261). Until splunk fix this you must use e.g. TA for nix or use your own scripts to use "log show" command with correct parameters.
r. Ismo
Hi @daniel99 ,
did you installed the Splunk_TA_Windows ( https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/742 ) on your Splunk?