I have created an application using Django Binding, where I have a code in Python in which wrote a search query whose output am willing to save in csv file.
Following is my code:
kwargs_normalsearch = {"exec_mode": "normal"}
searchquery_normal = 'search * |search sourcetype.....'
job = service.jobs.create(searchquery_normal, **kwargs_normalsearch)
for result in results.ResultsReader(job.results()):
c = csv.writer(open("C:/NewFile.csv", "wb"))
When I open the NewFile, it shows output as :
OrderedDict([('Parameter', '221')])
what I want is to show,'Parameter ' as heading and '221' as row value in csv file. Can I even fetch this values from it in order to use it for another purpose.
Please Help...!!!
Here is a simple code example , expand on it as necessary , but it returns the search results in CSV format and dumps to a file.
args = {'host':'somehost','port':8089,'username':'admin','password':'foobar'}
service = Service(**args)
job = service.jobs.create('search index=_internal | head 5', **{"exec_mode": "blocking"})
search_results = job.results(**{"output_mode": "csv"})
f = open("/Users/scoobydoo/NewFile.csv", 'w')
Here is a simple code example , expand on it as necessary , but it returns the search results in CSV format and dumps to a file.
args = {'host':'somehost','port':8089,'username':'admin','password':'foobar'}
service = Service(**args)
job = service.jobs.create('search index=_internal | head 5', **{"exec_mode": "blocking"})
search_results = job.results(**{"output_mode": "csv"})
f = open("/Users/scoobydoo/NewFile.csv", 'w')
I have executed the python query have the results.
The binding response reader results are in bytes and getting the TypeError while writing to CSV
Requesting help to export the search results to a CSV file.
Quick response is highly appreciated.
Thank you
I had a question regarding output_mode for export search. In the export search, there's no search job created and the results are streamed. I wasn't able to find anything conclusive regarding setting output_mode of an export search to 'CSV'. I wanted to know how is it done?
Thanks Damien,
There is one more question in my mind.Is it possible that I can extract the values from search result , assign it to different variables and perform some arithmetic operations on it before saving it in csv file.??
How about numpy.loadtxt(search_results, delimiter=',')