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How to troubleshoot why our forwarder is not sending particular log files?


I have a particular log file that for some reason, the forwarder will not read and send the data to the indexer.
I see it recognize the log in the splunkd.log

11-18-2015 01:42:56.237 +0000 INFO  TailingProcessor - Parsing configuration stanza: monitor:///data01/app/oms-client-account-ad

But that's it, no other messages or errors complaining about perms or anything at all, just nothing getting to the indexer.

Here is my input stanza:

disabled = 0
sourcetype = log4j
index = oms

Here is a sample of the log:

2015-11-18 01:08:14,965 [DEBUG] ClientTransformer::transform() - Successfully unmarshalled client
2015-11-18 01:08:15,045 [INFO] BfxClientWs::upsert() - Sending to BFX for Client Upsert :[version=1,lastUpdatedDts=<null>,address1Txt=<null>,address2Txt=<null>,address3Txt=<null>,autoAcceptOrdersFg=false,bookingCd=7348847,branchCd=NAB,cityTxt=<null>,clientCode=MICHAEL,clientNm=MICHAEL FULLNAME,clientTypeId=NORMAL,contactTxt=<null>,creditCheckFg=false,defaultComment1Txt=<null>,defaultComment2Txt=<null>,fwdPricingTierId=BID_OFFER,ordersEnabledFg=false,phoneNoTxt=<null>,postCodeTxt=<null>,pricingTierId=BID_OFFER,reverseEngineerTPFg=true,reverseEngineerSLFg=true,salesGroupId=78,straightThroughProcessingFg=true,allowPartialFillFg=false,fillProfileId=<null>,rateSourceProfileId=<null>,autoFillEnabledFg=false]
2015-11-18 01:08:15,094 [INFO] BfxClientWs::upsert() - Successfully upserted client :[version=1,lastUpdatedDts=<null>,address1Txt=<null>,address2Txt=<null>,address3Txt=<null>,autoAcceptOrdersFg=false,bookingCd=7348847,branchCd=NAB,cityTxt=<null>,clientCode=MICHAEL,clientNm=MICHAEL FULLNAME,clientTypeId=NORMAL,contactTxt=<null>,creditCheckFg=false,defaultComment1Txt=<null>,defaultComment2Txt=<null>,fwdPricingTierId=BID_OFFER,ordersEnabledFg=false,phoneNoTxt=<null>,postCodeTxt=<null>,pricingTierId=BID_OFFER,reverseEngineerTPFg=true,reverseEngineerSLFg=true,salesGroupId=78,straightThroughProcessingFg=true,allowPartialFillFg=false,fillProfileId=<null>,rateSourceProfileId=<null>,autoFillEnabledFg=false]
2015-11-18 01:08:18,095 [DEBUG] RdmReaderJob::readTumAndSendForProcessing() - No messages found on queue
2015-11-18 01:08:21,096 [DEBUG] RdmReaderJob::readTumAndSendForProcessing() - No messages found on queue
2015-11-18 01:08:24,097 [DEBUG] RdmReaderJob::readTumAndSendForProcessing() - No messages found on queue
2015-11-18 01:08:27,097 [DEBUG] RdmReaderJob::readTumAndSendForProcessing() - No messages found on queue

Any help is much appreciated

Kind Regards

0 Karma


Yes: it looks like you have overlapping stanzas, which can certainly cause problems in Splunk. I would do the stanzas this way:


 disabled = 0
 sourcetype = log4j
 index = oms
 blacklist = .*gc.*\.log

 disabled = 0
 sourcetype = sun_jvm
 index = jmx


 disabled = 0
 sourcetype = log4j

 disabled = 0
 sourcetype = log4j

This simplifies your input.conf. Remember that props.conf can override inputs.conf settings.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

This wiki although old still has great information on Troubleshooting Tailing Processor:

remember you can access the File Status through these two options on the Splunk system that is monitoring the file:


or from the CLI:

./splunk _internal call /services/admin/inputstatus/TailingProcessor:FileStatus

The File Status will tell you how far the Tailing process has read into the file and other reasons it might be ignoring the file.


I've debugged and I'm getting this

  <s:key name="parent">/data01/app/oms-holiday-adapter/current/logs/oms-holiday-adapter2.log</s:key>
    <s:key name="type">Did not match partial whitelist '^\/data01/oms[^/]*/active/logs/[^/]*gc[^/]*\.log$'.</s:key>

It appears to be an issues with the earlier stanza in the inputs.conf, here is the entire files

disabled = 0
sourcetype = log4j
index = oms
blacklist = gc\.(web|Node)[1|2]\.log

disabled = 0
sourcetype = sun_jvm
index = jmx

disabled = 0
sourcetype = log4j
index = oms

disabled = 0
sourcetype = log4j
index = oms

Any help on how to separate these log location stanzas?

0 Karma


Is new data appended to end of the log? When was the last time that the file was updated?

0 Karma


The log is constantly written to, in fact we have been writing messages to the log to test alerting

0 Karma
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