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How to troubleshoot why a Universal Forwarder is not sending data to the Deployment Server?

New Member

I installed a Splunk Universal Forwarder on a Windows Server 2012R2 using following command:

msiexec.exe /i splunkforwarder-6.3.2-aaff59bb082c-x64-release.msi LOGON_USERNAME="domain\account" LOGON_PASSWORD="password" DEPLOYMENT_SERVER="MyDeploymentServerHost:8089" AGREETOLICENSE=Yes /quiet

and I can see that the client (BLD76) is connected, listed in Forwarder Management, one app (Splunk_TA_Windows) has been deployed successfully and it's phoning home:
alt text

However, there's no data being forwarded as my searches don't return any data based on the host name (bld76).
Looking at Splunkd.log on bld76, I can see following error when restarting Forwarder:

05-10-2016 16:17:58.809 +0100 ERROR TcpOutputProc - LightWeightForwarder/UniversalForwarder not configured. Please configure outputs.conf.

The install process explained above doesn't create an outputs.conf under etc\system\local, but I have deploymentclient.conf with following content there:

targetUri = MyDeploymentServerHost:8089

Could someone please help me diagnose what's missing? I should also add that there's no issues with other universal forwarders sending data (bld10, bld02 & bld73)

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1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

the configuration you have is to make the the uf only deployment client to the deployment server, in order to make it report a useful information using windows TA and other you need either to configure outputs.conf or to issue the bellow command

splunk add forward-server : -auth :

View solution in original post

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

the configuration you have is to make the the uf only deployment client to the deployment server, in order to make it report a useful information using windows TA and other you need either to configure outputs.conf or to issue the bellow command

splunk add forward-server : -auth :

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New Member

Thanks for your answer, I tried it and it fixed the issue.

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New Member

Alternatively I can fix the problem by specifying RECEIVING_INDEXER="" when installing the forwarder.

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