I have a list of IDs in a report using a lookup. I want to deliver the report using the IDs to create a URL.
Transform field and write new filed to the lookup table
|inputlookup basetable
|search value=WhatIsBeingReported
|table id,title,url
Hi again @user93!
you can concatenate field values and strings together using an eval statement. Then you can add that field to the lookup by piping the results to an outputlookup command. Try something along the lines of
| inputlookup yourlookup
| eval url="https://www.domain.com/go/".id
| table id, title, url
| outputlookup yourlookup
Hi again @user93!
you can concatenate field values and strings together using an eval statement. Then you can add that field to the lookup by piping the results to an outputlookup command. Try something along the lines of
| inputlookup yourlookup
| eval url="https://www.domain.com/go/".id
| table id, title, url
| outputlookup yourlookup
Hey again @acfecondo75 !
So, that didn't quite work for me because my field has a space in it. I want to use the value of the id field where the filed name is "page id"
I have
|inputlookup table.csv
|search field=value
|eval created_epoch=strptime(Created,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
|eval time_diff=now()-created_epoch
|eval url="https://www.domain.com/go/"."Page Id"
|table "Page Id",title,url,created_epoch,time_diff
|search time_diff<=2592000
My results show https://www.domain.com/go/Page Id. I want the value of the page id, so like https://www.domain.com/go/abcd1234
if you need to reference a field with a space in it inside an eval statement, wrap the field name in single quotes to indicate that it's a field.
you could also wrap it in $s. 'Page Id' or $Page Id$ will work.
Brilliant! I chose the money sign 🙂
Thanks again