Hello Splunkers,
I am facing this issue since past one week.
Splunk is not forwarding any logs. I have tried everything to kill the Splunk process.
Below are the steps:
Receiving the error
Stopping splunkd...
Shutting down. Please wait, as this may take a few minutes.
..........................................................................................................Timed out waiting for splunkd to stop.
The Splunk daemon (splunkd) is already running.
Tried to kill the process but no luck
[Server@splunk]/APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder/bin> ./splunk status
splunkd is running (PID: 9634304).
splunk helpers are running (PIDs: 18088142).
[Server@splunk]/APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder/bin> ps -ef | grep splunkd | grep -v grep
[Server@splunk]/APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder/bin> ps -ef | grep -i splunk | grep -v grep
splunk 18088142 9634304 0 0:00
splunk 9175578 20316492 0 10:09:34 pts/1 0:00 -ksh
splunk 8782682 9175578 14 17:40:01 pts/1 0:00 ps -ef
Removed the PID under var directory and started Splunk again.
[Server@splunk]/APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder/bin> ./splunk start
Splunk> Australian for grep.
Checking prerequisites...
Checking mgmt port [8089]: already bound
ERROR: The mgmt port [8089] is already bound. Splunk needs to use this port.
Would you like to change ports? [y/n]: n
I really appreciate if someone resolves this issue.
Have you tried killing splunkd first and then its helpers, then make a clean start?:
[Server@splunk]/APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder/bin> ./splunk status
splunkd is running (PID: 9634304).
splunk helpers are running (PIDs: 18088142).
[Server@splunk]/APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder/bin> echo "Killing splunkd" ; kill 9634304
[Server@splunk]/APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder/bin> echo "Killing helpers" ; kill 18088142
[Server@splunk]/APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder/bin> ./splunk start
Check the forwarder logs for any errors:
[Server@splunk]/APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder/bin> cd /APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder/var/log/splunk
[Server@splunk]/APPLICATIONS/SPLUNK/currentversion/splunkforwarder//var/log/splunk> tail splunkd.log | egrep "ERROR|WARN"
Also check this link: