One indexer just went down. As it came up we see the following message for a couple of the indexers -
throttled: idx=<idx_name> Throttling indexer, too many tsidx files in bucket='/SplunkIndexData/splunk-indexes/<idx_name>/db/hot_v1_1519'. Is splunk-optimize working? If not, low disk space may be the cause.
What it is exactly?
Additional to that if you see the below ERROR as well you can also increase the value of maxConcurrentOptimizes in indexes.conf for a particular index which is affected or you can set globally to all the indexes depends on your requirement.
04-11-2019 11:01:51.574 +0500 ERROR SplunkOptimize - (child_39286__SplunkOptimize) optimize finished: failed, see rc for more details, dir=C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\lib\splunk_internaldb\db\hot_v1_268, rc=-12 (unsigned 244), errno=0
04-11-2019 11:01:51.574 +0500 ERROR SplunkOptimize - (child_39286__SplunkOptimize) merge failed for path=C:\Program Files\Splunk\var\lib\splunk_internaldb\db\hot_v1_268 rc=-12 wrc=-12 errno=0 file=dontknow hint=tsval_id is UINT_MAX in _merge_all_postings]
In indexes.conf
For particular index:
maxConcurrentOptimizes = < desired value >
For all the indexes:
maxConcurrentOptimizes = < desigered value >
maxConcurrentOptimizes = < nonnegative integer >
The below errors indicates "high I/O activity of splunk-optimize":
throttled: idx= Throttling indexer, too many tsidx files in bucket='/SplunkIndexData/splunk-indexes//db/hot_v1_1519'. Is splunk-optimize working? If not, low disk space may be the cause.
The way to reduce splunk-optimize I/O activity is to increase maxMemMB for index "" which has most of throttling messages and any other index customer is aware of high volume: