Hi I want to remove everything after a some characters like ? OR & when they come in a field. For example -
Can someone help?
Hi @Shashank_87
Check this
| makeresults
| eval text="/temp/test?csrkyyt=12334##/test1/test2&csrkyyt=7968676"
| makemv delim="##" text
| mvexpand text
| rex field=text "(?P<output>^[^(?|&)]+)"
You can use rex with sed to remove all characters after ?
OR &
| rex mode=sed field=FIELD_NAME "s/[&?].*//g"
Hi @Shashank_87,
you can use the rex comman, something like this:
| rex field=my_field "^(?<my_field>[^\&\?]*)"
| ...
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/f8lmIs/1 .