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How to monitor the below files with extension (.json.gz) in Splunk?

Path Finder

Hi Team,

I would like to monitor the below files with extension (.json.gz) in splunk. 

In DS APP inputs i have given the stanza like this 


When checked in splunk it is showing only 1 day.


These are the files that i want to monitor


Kindly let me know how to monitor the files.


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@Atchyuth_P - Please check the source value instead to see what you see.


Also, as suggested by @PickleRick kindly try to put text or code block instead of screenshot, so its much easier for community member to help you.


I hope this helps!!

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1. If you're showing some part of configuration, search text or raw events, please copy-paste it in text format in preformatted style or a code box - it's much easier to read than screenshots.

2. Did you verify in any way that the ingested events weren't simply indexed all, but all with current timestamp?

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