Getting Data In

How to mask emails and credit card numbers in logs?


According to the link below, it looks possible to mask data in splunk.

I want to mask the email and credit card number for the logs.
Here are the example for each:

As I need to configure props.conf and transforms.conf under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/
Specifically, in props.conf, it will be something like this:

TRANSFORMS-anonymize = emailaddr-anonymizer, creditcard-anonymizer

in transforms.conf, it will be:

REGEX = <regex>
FORMAT = ********@*********
DEST_KEY = _raw

REGEX = <regex>
FORMAT = ****-****-****-****
DEST_KEY = _raw

As I am not good at REGEX in Splunk, can any body tell me what exact regular expression I have to write in the REGEX field for email and credit card?
(Only need to match '@'and '.' in email field)

0 Karma
1 Solution

Revered Legend

Try this

in transforms.conf,

 REGEX = ([A-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-z0-9.-]+\.[A-z]{2,63})
 FORMAT = ********@*********
 DEST_KEY = _raw

 REGEX = ((\d{4}[-|\s]*){3}\d{4})
 FORMAT = ****-****-****-****
 DEST_KEY = _raw

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Revered Legend

Try this

in transforms.conf,

 REGEX = ([A-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-z0-9.-]+\.[A-z]{2,63})
 FORMAT = ********@*********
 DEST_KEY = _raw

 REGEX = ((\d{4}[-|\s]*){3}\d{4})
 FORMAT = ****-****-****-****
 DEST_KEY = _raw
0 Karma


Hi somesoni2, I have an additional question regarding this question.

I found that the whole line of the log are masked. Below is the example.

# (Input text)
Card Number #1 : 1234-5678-9012-3456

# (Actual result)

Card Number #1 : ****-****-****-****

I also tried to replace the format with below but get no luck.

FORMAT = $1****-****-****-****$2

What should I do if I want to get the expected result above?

0 Karma


Just to answer my question, it seems that the following can do the trick.

REGEX = (.*)([A-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-z0-9.-]+\.[A-z]{2,63})(.*)
FORMAT = $1********@*********$3

REGEX = (.*)((\d{4}[-|\s]*){3}\d{4})(.*)
FORMAT = $1****-****-****-****$3
0 Karma


Hi somesoni2, the regex worked! Thanks a lot!

0 Karma


Somesoni2, I am trying to test this search inline. Can you help with the direct search not in .conf propl
I would want to generate alert based on appearance of the cc numbers in logs. was trying this:
| rex "(?((\d{4}[-|\s]){3}\d{4}))"
| search possible_cc_number=

| table _time possible_cc_number _raw
so the events are showing numbers, how to use regex and formating in the same inline searches?

0 Karma
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