In simple XML, when I am attempting to load 122K unique records in the dropdown menu, my whole page freezes for a while. I have tried using lookups instead of ad-hoc search, but not able to load the page without freezing.
So is there any option to load only initial 10 values and when I scroll down it will automatically take the next 10 values from search? In javascript, there is one feature called lazy loading . I am not aware of how to use this feature in Splunk.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hey Nisu,
How about creating an input text box where the user can type a few letters, then pass that token to the drop down menu search string?
Don't forget to add wildcards * to either side of the token used in the search string of the drop down list, and ensure "Search on Change" is ticked on the text box.
Thanks for your help.
But one quick question what happens if a user can use wildcard(*) instead of the string. This will load whole the dropdown and then page gets freeze. I don't want to freeze my page. Is it possible if i can give "see more" type in dropdown?
I'm afraid I don't know of a way to disable the use of wildcards in a text box without using some sort of javascript validation.
What is the format of the results from the dropdown? Is it a structured? Can the data be grouped? For example, if it was a list of 122k Surnames, perhaps you could first create a dropdown to select the first letter(Using static values - the alphabet)? Passing that as a token to your main drop down would roughly divide the results by 26?
There is not any grouping field.There is email address in field. Is it the splunkcore issue that the dropdown is not able to load these much data?