Hey gang - hopefully this isn't to bad of a question and I'm missing something simple.
I have an application that is writing data that looks like this:
018-07-13 05:48:30.343 PDT [pool-3-thread-3] INFO STATUS - {"well_formed_json": "yes"}
The Json document is far more elaborate, of course ... just here so you can get an idea. So I've got a query that can display this json alone:
index="myindex" | rex field=_raw "INFO STATUS - (?<json>.*)"| table json
And this is great ... I get a table with all of my JSON blocks. That's good as far as that goes. But how do I get Splunk to actually format that as json with the nice color-coding and nested levels folding and whatnot?
Give this a try
index="myindex" | rex field=_raw "INFO STATUS - (?<json>.*)"| rename json as _raw
Give this a try
index="myindex" | rex field=_raw "INFO STATUS - (?<json>.*)"| rename json as _raw
wow - it worked!!
Splunk does the auto-json formatting for the field _raw on Events tab, update _raw to just have the pure json content worked here. If there are no follow-up questions to this, please close this question by accepting this answer.
My only followup answer would be this: is there any way to get a partial row to display as JSON (with syntax help, etc) or must we get where it is the whole row (by doing the _raw rename)?