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How to get Information with fields of index: _audit?


Hi All,

I am searching for data in index for searches which users executed with time range "All Time".


index=_audit search_et="N/A" search_lt="N/A" user!="splunk-system-user"


I got events with following fields: -

  • info
  • has_error_warn
  • fully_completed_search
  • total_run_time
  • event_count
  • result_count
  • avaialble_count
  • scan_count
  • drop_count
  • exec_count
  • api_et
  • api_lt
  • api_index_et
  • api_index_lt
  • is_realtime
  • search_statup_time
  • is_prjob
  • searched_buckets
  • eliminated_buckets
  • considered_events
  • total_slices
  • decompressed_slices
  • duration.command.search_index

And many others.

I need your help and guidance on seeking details about the fields fetched by the _audit index.

Thank you

Labels (3)


Based on the findings so far, I could understand following details on the fields listed in the thread description: -

  • info: - Information about the search executed by the user.
  • has_error_warn: - False: if no error was observed in the user's search. True: of error was observed in the user's search.
  • fully_completed_search: - Returns true even when the user had stopped the search mid-way.
  • total_run_time: - Total time it took for the user's search to complete.
  • event_count: - Total number of events fetched by the user's search.
  • result_count: - Total number of results returned by the user's search.
  • available_count: - Total number of events available for export.
  • scan_count: - Total number of events fetched by the user's search.
  • drop_count: - It is returned for realtime searches only, the number of possible events that are dropped due to rt_queue_size.
  • exec_time: - Epoch value of the timestamp at which user's search got completed or at which the user's search was stopped.
  • api_et: - The epoch value of the time at which the search started.
  • api_lt: - The epoch value of the time at which the search ended.
  • is_realtime: - 0: If the search was not realtime. 1: If the search was realtime.
  • savedsearch_name: - Saved search title that got executed.
  • search _startup_time: - This field represents the time for a search to start up in seconds.
  • is_prjob: - This field indicates whether the search is a pre-run search or not.
  • app: - Splunk app used by user's search.
  • searched_buckets: - The number of index buckets that were searched to fetch the relevant data.
  • eliminated_buckets: - The number of index buckets that were eliminated during the search process.
  • considered_events: - Total number of events considered during the search process.

In case any one can share their inputs to better understand the above points or share the information about fields which I could not document, it would be very helpful.

Thank you


Hi @somesoni2,

I found you had answered a similar question in 2013:

Thus, it would be very helpful if you could share your inputs on understanding the fields returned by events of the index: _audit.

Thank you

0 Karma


Hi @Azeemering,

I read your response on thread: about the usage of index: _audit.

It would be very helpful if you could help by sharing your inputs on the fields returned by the index.

Thank you

0 Karma
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