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How to fix TimeStamp issue for two different types of events from same source?

Path Finder

A single source have two different types of events and two different types of timestamps.

raw event-1: Request Set Number: [1234567] - Scheduled Run Date: [2020-03-05 16:10:37.0] -source -values [{ all values} 5 more lines of data]
raw-event-2: [Threat-123] 03/05 17:30:05,159, INFORMATION, [process name, process number]

I tried with xml file and props.conf but is didn't fix the issue


<!-- Request Set Number: [444888] - Scheduled Run Date: [2020-03-05 16:45:22.0]  -->
<define name="_datetimeformat1" extract="year, month, day, hour, minute, second , subsecond">
<!-- [Threat-11] 03/04 17:10:58,109, INFO -->
<define name="_datetimeformat2" extract="month, day, hour, minute, second, subsecond">
<use name="_datetimeformat1"/>
<use name="_datetimeformat2"/>
<use name="_datetimeformat1"/>
<use name="_datetimeformat2"/>


[my sourcetype]
DATETIME_CONFIG = /etc/apps/SourcetypeName-datetime.xml
LINE_BREAKER = (Request\sSet\sNumber:\s\[\d+\]\s-\s\w+\W\w+\W\w+:\s\[|\[Threat-\d{1,5}\]\s)

I am still getting this error.

0500 WARN  DateParserVerbose - Failed to parse timestamp in first MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD (128) characters of event. Defaulting to timestamp of previous event (Thu Mar  5 16:30:37 2020). Context: source::

Can some one please help me on this issue..

Thanks in Advance.

0 Karma

Path Finder

This worked for me:

I increased the MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD in props.conf to 90. and then I removed the subsecond from your datetime.xml file.

The following is what worked for me.

  <!-- Request Set Number: [444888] - Scheduled Run Date: [2020-03-05 16:45:22.0]  -->
  <define name="custom1" extract="year,month,day,hour,minute,second,">
   <!-- [Threat-11] 03/04 17:10:58,109, INFO -->
  <define name="custom2" extract="month,day,hour,minute,second,subsecond,">

       <use name="custom1"/>
       <use name="custom2"/>

        <use name="custom1"/>
        <use name="custom2"/>
0 Karma

Path Finder

I have the same error

DateParserVerbose - Failed to parse timestamp in first MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD (128) characters of event. Defaulting to timestamp of previous event.

looks like splunk is not picking anything from props.conf. MAX_TIMESTAMP_LOOKAHEAD is still 128 which is a default one.

I did all these in master server, Do i need to update in deployment server?

0 Karma
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