So I'm trying to extract multiple fields using the Extract property in props.conf
The source file looks like
And I want what EACH prop becomes a field. HENCE I did not used a prefix in the regex.
KV_MODE = none
EXTRACT-watt_grouping = (?m)(.+?)=(.*)
I already used multiple variations of this regex and nothing seems to work. Is there anything blocking the field extraction ?
At search time I provided the conrresponding pipe and it seems to extract quite nicely: | extract pairdelim=",", kvdelim="=", auto=f, limit=500, mv_add=t
.. Anyone knows how to make this work in transforms.conf ? I tried it with DELIMS = "\n","="
but it breaks in a specific property prop.256 = ?'- \#&@^\!%*\:$./\
;,~+=)(|}{][><` .. It extracts the previous 255 props quite nicely though
Try this instead:
KV_MODE = none
REPORT-my_fields = multi_extract
REGEX = (?m)(.+?)=(.*)
FORMAT = $1::$2
MV_ADD = true
@masonmorales can you provide support to your own answer based on the feedback I gave you ?
Are there always only 4 lines? If so you could just use 4 extract statements that are more specific.
No.. they're above 400. This is the reason I don't use KV_MODE=AUTO
because it has a 100 limit max extractions. The can be alphanumerical aswell or have only symbols
This doesnt help.. It just clumps them all together. I want each line to become a new field with a given value.
It just makes my.prop.1 = "1 my.prop.2 = 2 my.prop.3 = 3 ..."
Thanks, let me try it out
Your source, is it one line per event or all those properties appear in same event? What are the fields that are automatically extracted by Splunk?
None, because I made it KV_MODE=none. No, All lines come in the same event. I purposedly made it so with the LINE_BREAKER = ((?!))
@somesoni2 ♦ Do you know how this should be done ?