I need help with the following JSON format which is coming from HTTP Event Collector. I want to extract Status
, Severity
, Id
and PatchState
from the following JSON format:
"relatedEvents": [],
"relationships": [
"resourceId": "REDACTED
"resourceType": "AWS::SSM::ManagedInstanceInventory",
"name": "Is associated with "
"configuration": {
"AWS:ComplianceItem": {
"SchemaVersion": "1.0",
"Content": {
"Patch": {
"SomeValue": {
"Status": "NON_COMPLIANT",
"InstalledTime": "",
"ExecutionType": "Command",
"PatchSeverity": "",
"Title": "AAAAAAAA",
"Severity": "UNSPECIFIED",
"ComplianceType": "Patch",
"Classification": "",
"DocumentVersion": "",
"Id": "BBBBB",
"PatchState": "Missing",
"PatchBaselineId": "pb-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"DocumentName": "",
"PatchGroup": ""
"SomeOtherValue": {
"Status": "NON_COMPLIANT",
"InstalledTime": "",
"ExecutionType": "Command",
"PatchSeverity": "",
"Title": "CCCCCCCC",
"Severity": "UNSPECIFIED",
"ComplianceType": "Patch",
"Classification": "",
"DocumentVersion": "",
"Id": "AAAAAAA",
"PatchState": "Missing",
"PatchBaselineId": "pb-xxxxxxx",
"DocumentName": "",
"PatchGroup": ""
Please note that the embedded nesting's 4th element is a variable (usually a package name) so it is hard to parse using spath and I do not have a fixed number of the 4th nested JSON objects I receive.
Please help and thanks in advance.
Do an EXTRACT in props.conf that completely ignores the fact that it's JSON 🙂 e.g.
EXTRACT-PatchState = "PatchState: \"(?<PatchState>[^\"]+)\","
maybe, your log is one line
use Show as raw text
and provide them.
and in your json-like log , "Patch":
is array [
, isn't it?
I am giving a subset, the raw json is like 10k+ lines. There are no arrays just embedded json objects
there is the array relationships
in your sample.
good luck.