I have a stack trace for one particular error like this,
[9/20/17 5:40:13:428 EDT] 000000e0 SystemOut O 20 Sep 2017 05:40:13:428 [INFO] [DMAXP01_MIF2] [] BMXAA6372I - Host name: Server name: DMAXP01_MIF2. Cron task name: JMSQSEQCONSUMER.SEQQIN. Last run: 2017-09-20 05:40:00.0host=cltismx1waslp07 Options|
sourcetype=WebSphere:SystemOutLog Options|
I want to view the feilds in tabular format. My search string is
Cron task name: JMSQSEQCONSUMER.SEQQIN9. Last run: | table host, sourcetype,source.
I want to display the time after the keywords " Last run:" in the above statement.
Hi poonama,
you have to extract field Last_Run in rex command or in field extraction.
regex is Last run: (?<Lat_Run>\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+)
| rex "Last run: (?<Lat_Run>\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+)"
| table Last_Run host sourcetype source
you can test it at https://regex101.com/r/Cfbhwp/1
Its giving multiple entries of one single last run time. Any idea how to deal with this.