I need to display the latest cpu, memory, etc information grouped by host in a table format. I have managed to pull cpu or memory individually or if I use stats it will only display the latest value which isn't grouped by host. My initial search which lists the CPU load by host is:
host=* index="linuxos" CPU=all | dedup host | rename host as name | eval id = "urn:host:/".name , type="vm", tags=id, identifiers=id | table id type name tags identifiers cpu_load_percent
I need to expand this to memory and possibly even more os related information.
Like this:
index="linuxos" AND CPU="all"
| fields host id type tags identifiers cpu_load_percent and other metrics fields here
| stats latest(*) AS * BY host
Like this:
index="linuxos" AND CPU="all"
| fields host id type tags identifiers cpu_load_percent and other metrics fields here
| stats latest(*) AS * BY host