How can I determine the index volume by sourcetype? The reason why I ask is because occasionally I'll have a big spike in my index volume that threatens my license cap and I'm trying to find the best way to determine the cause of the spike. If I can create a chart that shows volume by sourcetype (over X hours) then I can identify the culprit and dig in from there.
Or even better, is there a search that I can run that actually identifies the cause of the spike (not just the sourectype)?
Trust the license usage (not the metrics) form the license-master.
Example for the size for yesterday
earliest=-1d@d latest=@d index=_internal source=*license_usage.log* type=Usage
| stats sum(b) AS Bytes by st
| sort -Bytes
see more here : http://wiki.splunk.com/Community:TroubleshootingIndexedDataVolume
Trust the license usage (not the metrics) form the license-master.
Example for the size for yesterday
earliest=-1d@d latest=@d index=_internal source=*license_usage.log* type=Usage
| stats sum(b) AS Bytes by st
| sort -Bytes
see more here : http://wiki.splunk.com/Community:TroubleshootingIndexedDataVolume
Thanks, the link ( http://wiki.splunk.com/Community:TroubleshootingIndexedDataVolume ) is very helpful.