I am trying to debug evt_resolve_ad_obj not working properly?
How do I enable debug to see wich Domain Controller is being contacted, and see the answer from the DC?
i am on UF 6.2.3 on windows server 2008R2.
For the fact that you are checking on the DC used by a UF, I suspect you have stumbled across a bug I struggled with for a while..
Somewhere between version 6.0 and 6.0.3, a bug was introduced causing the universal to communicate with the PDC of your domain (instead of nearest DC) regardless of whether evt_resolve_ad_obj was enabled or disabled for each wineventlog based input. I submitted an SPL for this issue and the issue was corrected in version 6.3.0.
According to the dox here:
If you discover that Splunk is not translating SIDs properly, review splunkd.log for clues on what the problem might be.