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How to deal with curly brackets in field names creating a data model?

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee


I was working with JSON data.
(Example here:

The data is stored in Hadoop HDFS (Download e.g. Hortonworks HDP Sandbox and trial version of Splunk Analytics for Hadoop).

Example event:
{"customer": {"city": "SACRAMENTO", "zip": "95819", "firstName": "ERWIN", "accountNumber": "900401544", "lastName": "HARRELL", "address": "831 Maverton Dr.", "phone": "5215464018", "state": "CA", "sex": "M", "age": "55"}, "timestamp": "2013-09-01T00:01:05", "servername": "", "charactertype": "Curd Cobbler", "items": [{"category": "armor", "itemid": "DB-SG-G01", "price": 25.0, "description": "'Vegan Friendly Gloves'"}, {"category": "tools", "itemid": "AB-TR-N89", "price": 135.0, "description": "'Robotic Cow Milker'"}, {"category": "tools", "itemid": "AB-TR-N89", "price": 135.0, "description": "'Robotic Cow Milker'"}, {"category": "cheese", "itemid": "ST-RF-M04", "price": 20.0, "description": "Manchego"}, {"category": "tools", "itemid": "CU-PG-G06", "price": 65.0, "description": "'Cheese Board of Glory'"}], "total": 380.0, "type": "purchase", "region": "Limburgerland"}

INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS does not work (because it's "search time" if you deal with Hadoop).
You can use KV_MODE=JSON in your sourcetype definition.

Sample data includes array fields like items{}.category after auto extraction.

If you want to create a data model you'll get an error message if you choose to add "items{}.category" as an auto extracted field.

There is a "new" option called

Unfortunately this option is index time only and does again not work with data stored in HDFS.
(But you can try to ingest the example data with Splunk Enterprise and it should work).
In addition this feature has some issues with SPATH compatibility:
"Note that enabling this will make json indextime extracted array fiels names
inconsistant with spath search processor's naming convention."

Long story shot:
Use FIELDALIAS to rename the field with curly brackets.
This is a search time option and will present the "working" field name in addition to the "non working" version if you click on "add field: Auto-Extracted".

    FIELDALIAS-items=items{}.category AS items.category,items{}.description AS items.description,items{}.itemid AS items.itemid,items{}.price AS items.price

(Yes, you can define multiple rename statements in one line).

You don't have to do it on the command line. Select "Settings/Source Types" and you are good to go.

Feel free to comment or answer this article if you have other or better ideas.



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1 Solution

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee


what if sometimes, the items are not an array? How can we make it more generic?
eg: for one event items is an array, and for another event items is not an array, how can we create an alias that would work for these two cases.

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

answered 🙂

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