It took a while to copy the large logfile over the slow network, and it looks like the TailingProcessor gave up after 2 tries:
09-06-2014 15:17:03.607 -0700 WARN FileClassifierManager - Unable to open 'D:\Logs\syslog2014-09-05'.
09-06-2014 15:17:03.607 -0700 WARN FileClassifierManager - The file 'D:\Logs\syslog2014-09-05' is invalid. Reason: cannot_read
09-06-2014 15:17:03.607 -0700 INFO TailingProcessor - Ignoring file 'D:\Logs\syslog2014-09-05' due to: cannot_read
09-06-2014 15:22:47.707 -0700 WARN FileClassifierManager - Unable to open 'D:\Logs\syslog2014-09-05'.
09-06-2014 15:22:47.707 -0700 WARN FileClassifierManager - The file 'D:\Logs\syslog2014-09-05' is invalid. Reason: cannot_read
09-06-2014 15:22:47.707 -0700 INFO TailingProcessor - Ignoring file 'D:\Logs\syslog2014-09-05' due to: cannot_read
Any way to make it automatically retry a couple more times (via some configuration parameter somewhere)?
Using Splunk v6.1.3 for Windows.
Before ask Splunk to do this more times, have you checked:
Is there any way to set the copy process so that that it doesn't lock the file?
Is it possible to forward the file from its original location?
If the file was small and/or the copy process was fast, Splunk indexes the file fine.