My problem is that the data I send with the forwarder does not reach splunk.
Here is how I configured the forwarder
First, I started the forwarder
./splunk start in $Splunk_Home/bin
Second, I configure the forwarder to connect to a receiving indexer and configure to connect to a deployment server and try
./splunk add forward-server Ip_of_splunk:9997
./splunk set deploy-poll Ip_of_splunk:8089
Third, I have configured inputs.conf to enter the logs I wanted to retrieve
index = logcentos
sourcetype = secure[monitor:///var/log/httpd/access.log]
index = logapache
sourcetype = acces_log
Four, I configured the firewall
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=9997/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
Five, I restarted the forwarder
./splunk restart in $Splunk_Home/bin
when the restart is finished, I'll check the splunk web page and I see that nothing happened about the indexes I just configured.
I check that I didn't make any mistakes when I wrote the names of the indexes but no there is no mistake
I check if the forward-server is "active" and yes is active
So I don't know what the problem is because I have the "same" configuration as for a forwarder in windows which works
Thank you in advance for helping me find solutions
Hi @matt29600,
Default read permission on the /var/log
folder is for root only. It could be that your splunk forwarder doesn't have the read permission on the logs.
Try monitoring another file in /tmp
for example with full read permission and check if it gets picked up by splunk.
If it does you will need to change the access list permissions for /var/log
to allow splunk to read.
The first problem was that I hadn't opened the 8089 port of the firewall so I had this error
DC:DeploymentClient - channel=tenantService/handshake Will retry sending handshake message to DS; err=not_connected
The second problem was that the forwarder didn't have the permissions for the files "/var/log/secure.log" and "/var/log/httpd/access.log".
Check @DavidHourani answer for the link to apply an ACL (to solve the problem with permissions)
Thank to @DavidHourani , @FrankVl and @oscar84x for helping me solve my problem
Hi @matt29600,
Default read permission on the /var/log
folder is for root only. It could be that your splunk forwarder doesn't have the read permission on the logs.
Try monitoring another file in /tmp
for example with full read permission and check if it gets picked up by splunk.
If it does you will need to change the access list permissions for /var/log
to allow splunk to read.
Hi @DavidHourani
I add this configuration in the inputs.conf
index = logmariadb
sourcetype = mariadb
And I receive the logs of this configuration so I don't think it can come from permissions, well it would be weird that I can only for one.
But I'm still going to try monitoring another file in /tmp
it's on /var/log/secure.log
and the http folder, not on any new subfolder you create with the right permissions 🙂
You're right, I tried replacing with log files from /tmp and it works.
yeah I had the same problem before, you need to either change the permissions on your server logs (which i dont recommend) or apply an ACL as shown here :
Ok thank you
most welcome ! please up-vote and accept if this was helpful !
Several things you can check:
- I assume the respective indexes were created on your central splunk instance?
- search over all time, in case perhaps device clock or timestamp extraction is not correct and events are hidden somewhere else on the timeline
- does index=_internal show events from this forwarder? If so: does it contain any errors or warnings for those specific inputs? Does it contain events reporting that the respective monitors have started?
- if no internal events either: check $splunk_home/var/log/splunk/splunkd.log locally on the forwarder for any errors or warnings. Does it contain events reporting that the respective monitors have started?
Yes the indexes have been created on the central splunk instance
There is no problem with the time
In index=_internal there are event from this forwarder which contains this error
"DC:DeploymentClient - channel=tenantService/handshake Will retry sending handshake message to DS; err=not_connected"
With this error I noticed that I had not activated the port 8089 in the firewall but I still don't receive the logs in the indexes
If the internal logs are being forwarded, the issue clearly is not with the forwarding side of things. 2 main options remaining: an issue on the input side, or for some reason the data is indexed, but you can't see it (hence my suggestion to look at all time).
Probably best to first confirm whether the input is working. Should be quite clear in the internal logs whether the input started and whether it picked up any of the files, or whether it is reporting errors / warnings.
I restarted the server to see the internal logs at startup.
I could see in the logs that the forwarder picked the file (for input) enter code here
Tailing Procesor Adding watch on path "path configured in input.conf"
I also noticed that but I don't know if this is an error.
Serverconfig Found no site defined in server.conf
Failed to initialize http_proxy from server.conf -> same error for https_proxy and no_proxy
But this time to my great surprise I received the logs for mariadb ( configure in inputs.conf this morning)
index = logmariadb
sourcetype = mariadb
So the problem may be the configuration of inputs.conf but I don't see where the mistakes could be in this case.
*What is your outputs configuration? (compare the outputs to your known good configuration on the other forwarder)
*Is this going to an existing indexer that has already been receiving data successfully or to a new indexer?
*If it's a new indexer then step 4, opening port 9997, should be run on the indexer. Your wording makes it
sounds like it might've been run on the forwarder.
The outputs configuration is
defaultGroup = default-autolb-group
disabled = false
server =
To compare with the right configuration there is just the "disabled = false" in addition
Yes it's a new indexer and the opening port 9997 run on the indexer
Are there any errors or messages regarding outputs on the forwarder's splunkd.log? Anything that confirms that it's monitoring the files?
Yes there's this message since yesterday from 4:22 p. m.
INFO HttpPubSubConnection - Running phone uri=/services/broker/phonehome/connection_172.16.0.48_8089_172.16.0.48_srv-test-splunk_3079F50F-8312-40B1-B17B-A33BCB6BCEC2
This part "connection_172.16.0.48_8089_172.16.0.48_srv-test-splunk_3079F50F-8312-40B1-B17B-A33BCB6BCEC2" means he's trying to connect to this ip?
There is this message since I opened the firewall port 8089 on the central splunk instance to fix this error
DC:DeploymentClient - channel=tenantService/handshake Will retry sending handshake message to DS; err=not_connected
and the last "different" message there was
INFO DC:HandshakeReplyHandler - Handshake done.
So I guess I fixed the mistake with the handshake