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How to add new SSL input to heavy forwarder?

Path Finder

Hi all,

I am trying to add PAN traps logs into splunk. It is syslog and traps sends the log on SSL. I got the SSL certs. I need some help is setting up SSL connection from forwarder to traps cloud.

Anyone can help?


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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

The docs recommend to use an intermediary software to receive the snmp traps (with ssl or not), then write them to a file on disk.
The use splunk to monitor the file and index it.

The other input (Tcp with ssl) is for syslog, but I am not sure if this is appropriate for SNMP traps data.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Hi YannK,

Thanks for your reply. It is not SNMP traps. It is PAN traps log. The second link you mentioned, is not opening.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Sorry. I fixed the link

So you are sending logs over classic syslog channels.
You can use the splunk UDP/TCP inputs described on the link
or you can use a syslog server to write the logs to disk, and have splunk monitor the files.

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