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For an events index
, I would do something like this:
|tstats max(_indextime) AS indextime
WHERE index=_* OR index=*
BY index sourcetype _time
| stats avg(eval(indextime - _time)) AS latency BY index sourcetype
| fieldformat latency = tostring(latency, "duration")
| sort 0 - latency
I know that _indextime
must be a field in a metrics index
, too, but accessing time fields is complicated as evidenced by the special earliest_time()
and latest_time()
functions. I have tried everything to access both _time
and _indextime
in a metrics index
(both mstats
and mcatalog
) and have failed. Is there any way?
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Support confirmed both of these:
1: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but we don’t store _indextime for metric indexes, and this means that currently there isn’t a way to measure metric index latency. We might be able to make per-source latency numbers available in metrics.log in the future – stay tuned.
2: Thanks for this feedback. You are correct, the walklex command only applies to events not metrics. It does mention the tsidx but I don’t know if many users will understand that tsidx applies to event indexes. I’ll make it explicit.
Therefore the only other options are realtime
which, if you have a good admin
has been thoroughly disabled or something like this:
Create a scheduled search
with a cron of * * * * *
to run every minute that looks like this:
|mstats latest_time(_value) AS _time WHERE index="*" BY host
| stats max(_time) AS _time BY host
| eval now = now()
| eval latency = now - time
| fieldformat latency = tostring(latency, "duration")
| fieldformat now = strftime(now, "%F %T")
| where latency > 60
| outputlookup append=t YOUR_LATENCY_TEST_FILE.csv
Then you can check later with this:
|inputlookup YOUR_LATENCY_TEST_FILE.csv
| stats max(now) AS now BY asset _time
| eval latency = now - _time
| rename _time AS time
| sort 0 - latency
| fieldformat time = strftime(time, "%c")
| fieldformat now = strftime(now, "%c")
| eval latency = tostring(latency, "duration")
| stats list(*) AS * BY asset
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Support confirmed both of these:
1: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but we don’t store _indextime for metric indexes, and this means that currently there isn’t a way to measure metric index latency. We might be able to make per-source latency numbers available in metrics.log in the future – stay tuned.
2: Thanks for this feedback. You are correct, the walklex command only applies to events not metrics. It does mention the tsidx but I don’t know if many users will understand that tsidx applies to event indexes. I’ll make it explicit.
Therefore the only other options are realtime
which, if you have a good admin
has been thoroughly disabled or something like this:
Create a scheduled search
with a cron of * * * * *
to run every minute that looks like this:
|mstats latest_time(_value) AS _time WHERE index="*" BY host
| stats max(_time) AS _time BY host
| eval now = now()
| eval latency = now - time
| fieldformat latency = tostring(latency, "duration")
| fieldformat now = strftime(now, "%F %T")
| where latency > 60
| outputlookup append=t YOUR_LATENCY_TEST_FILE.csv
Then you can check later with this:
|inputlookup YOUR_LATENCY_TEST_FILE.csv
| stats max(now) AS now BY asset _time
| eval latency = now - _time
| rename _time AS time
| sort 0 - latency
| fieldformat time = strftime(time, "%c")
| fieldformat now = strftime(now, "%c")
| eval latency = tostring(latency, "duration")
| stats list(*) AS * BY asset
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I also tried to dig into the guts with walklex
but apparently that command does not support metrics index