My log file is like this:
[#|2019-01-31 11:04:34,712 | ERROR | some data
Logging important message |#]
In my props.conf(SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\system\default), I have tried the following options:
sourcetype = appcustom
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
If my log file contains all the lines from "[#|" to "|#]" PRIOR TO Splunk seeing the file for the first time, then the lines are successfully indexed as multiline events as follows:
First event:
[#|2019-01-31 11:04:34,712 | ERROR | some data
Logging important message |#]
However If my application is still in the process of writing to the log file, and Splunk indexes the file, then event-breaking is totally messed up. For example, my app would flush the following lines to the log at first:
[#|2019-01-31 11:04:34,712 | ERROR | some
and then couple of seconds later these additional lines are appended:
data Logging important message |#]
In this case I would get these events instead:
First event:
[#|2019-01-31 11:04:34,712 | ERROR | some
Second event:
data Logging important message |#]
The first and second events in this case should really have been combined as a single event, but during index time, Splunk "closed" the first event prematurely because my app had stopped writing to the log temporarily.
I want to see only one multiline event regardless of when or what my app writes to the log file. Is this possible via configuration changes in Splunk?
Always use Option 2
whenever possible. It is way more efficient than the others. So try this:
LINE_BREAKER= ([\r\n]+)\[#\|\d{4}
You should add this configuration to the props.conf on the indexers (or the heavy forwarders if you are sending your data through a a heavy forwarder)
LINE_BREAKER= ([\r\n]+)\[#
I hope this helps
Thanks @chrisyoungerjds. I will try this out on Indexers.
@sduraisamy : firstly, do not make any changes to /etc/system/default, try to use /etc/system/local.
do you have the props on your indexers as well..??
Thanks @prakash007. No. I am changing the forwarder configuration only. Should i add the configuration changes in /etc/system/local/props.conf?
@sduraisamy : best practice is to NOT touch any file under /etc/system/default, you can either make changes to /etc/system/local or create a custom-app if needed...
Above configs do not work on forwarders, you should configure them on indexers...
this should work on your indexers...
TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%3N
TIME_PREFIX = ^\[\#\|
-if you think splunk is closing the file while the log is still updating, try something like this in your inputs.conf on your forwarder...
time_before_close = <integer>
* The amount of time, in seconds, that the file monitor must wait for
modifications before closing a file after reaching an End-of-File
(EOF) marker.
* Tells the input not to close files that have been updated in the
past 'time_before_close' seconds.
* Default: 3.
Thanks @prakash007. I will try this out on Indexers.