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How do we make a report with the volume of all the logs that are currently being logged in Splunk?


Hi Team,

We need a report with the volume of all the logs in Splunk.

for example : how much is log1 consuming every day for the last 30 days?

time   log1  log2  log3  log4
aug 1  36gb 32gb 39gb 40gb
aug 2  36gb 32gb 39gb 40gb
aug 3  36gb 32gb 39gb 40gb
0 Karma


You can use Monitoring Console/DMC to view the indexing volume for your logs. It gives you metrics about the indexing volume based on indexes sourcetype etc and various other metrics. You can leverage the search queries used there.

0 Karma


Hi vijeta,
can you please provide me the steps?

0 Karma


You can use the below query, replace the with your splunk indexer instance name.Basically this is the query that is called in the splunk monitoring console. If you have access to the rest and any knowledge objects used in the query, you should be able to the index usage information

| rest splunk_server=<splunk_server> /services/data/indexes datatype=all
  | join title type=outer [
  | rest splunk_server=<splunk_server> /services/data/indexes-extended datatype=all
  | eval cold_bucket_size = if(isnotnull('bucket_dirs.cold.bucket_size'), 'bucket_dirs.cold.bucket_size', 'bucket_dirs.cold.size')
  | fields title, cold_bucket_size, total_size, total_bucket_count]
| `dmc_exclude_indexes`
| fields title datatype maxTotalDataSizeMB currentDBSizeMB frozenTimePeriodInSecs minTime coldPath.maxDataSizeMB homePath.maxDataSizeMB, homePath, coldPath, cold_bucket_size, total_size, total_bucket_count, totalEventCount
| eval currentDBSizeGB = if(isnotnull(currentDBSizeMB), round(currentDBSizeMB / 1024, 2), 0)
| eval maxTotalDataSizeGB = if((maxTotalDataSizeMB == 0) OR isnull(maxTotalDataSizeMB), "unlimited", round(maxTotalDataSizeMB / 1024, 2))
| eval disk_usage_gb = currentDBSizeGB." / ".maxTotalDataSizeGB
| eval currentTimePeriodDay = round((now() - strptime(minTime,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")) / 86400, 0)
| eval currentTimePeriodDay = if(isnull(currentTimePeriodDay), 0, currentTimePeriodDay)
| eval frozenTimePeriodDay = round(frozenTimePeriodInSecs / 86400, 0)
| eval frozenTimePeriodDay = if(isnull(frozenTimePeriodDay) OR frozenTimePeriodDay == 0, "unlimited", frozenTimePeriodDay)
| eval freeze_period_viz = currentTimePeriodDay." / ".frozenTimePeriodDay
| eval total_bucket_count = if(isnotnull(total_bucket_count), total_bucket_count, 0)
| eval totalEventCount = if(isnotnull(totalEventCount), totalEventCount, 0)
| eval home_bucket_size_gb = round((total_size - if(isnull(cold_bucket_size), 0, cold_bucket_size)) / 1024, 2)
| eval home_bucket_size_gb = if(isnull(home_bucket_size_gb), 0, home_bucket_size_gb)
| eval home_bucket_capacity_gb = if(isnull('homePath.maxDataSizeMB') OR 'homePath.maxDataSizeMB' = 0, "unlimited", round('homePath.maxDataSizeMB' / 1024, 2))
| eval home_bucket_usage_gb = home_bucket_size_gb." / ".home_bucket_capacity_gb
| eval cold_bucket_size_gb = if(isnull(cold_bucket_size), 0, round(cold_bucket_size / 1024, 2))
| eval cold_bucket_capacity_gb = if(isnull('coldPath.maxDataSizeMB') OR 'coldPath.maxDataSizeMB' = 0, "unlimited", round('coldPath.maxDataSizeMB' / 1024, 2))
| eval cold_bucket_usage_gb = cold_bucket_size_gb." / ".cold_bucket_capacity_gb
| fields title, datatype, freeze_period_viz, disk_usage_gb, home_bucket_usage_gb, cold_bucket_usage_gb, total_bucket_count, totalEventCount, currentDBSizeGB,
      cold_bucket_size_gb, home_bucket_size_gb, homePath, coldPath | fields title, datatype, freeze_period_viz, disk_usage_gb, home_bucket_usage_gb, cold_bucket_usage_gb, totalEventCount, total_bucket_count
            | eval total_bucket_count=tostring(total_bucket_count, "commas")
            | eval totalEventCount=tostring(totalEventCount, "commas")
            | rename title as Index, datatype as "Data Type", disk_usage_gb as "Index Usage (GB)", freeze_period_viz as "Data Age vs Frozen Age (days)", home_bucket_usage_gb as "Home Path Usage (GB)", cold_bucket_usage_gb as "Cold Path Usage (GB)", total_bucket_count as "Total Bucket Count", totalEventCount as "Total Event Count"
0 Karma
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