So, I wanted to Split the path into multiple events so that i can count whatever i want to count like active or dev or usa or etc.
We have few path i.e below
So now i want to count each of active by usa, dev
then I want to get the top 5 counts of it.
In the results i want to see the bar graph like
instead of whole path.
Note: I don't have backend access.
Assuming the format of "path" including location of segments is static, you can extract each segment as separate field, like this
your current search which fetch field path
| rex field=path "\/(?<env>[^\/]+)\/site\/(?<country>[^\/]+)\/(?<status>[^\/]+)"
And then run your aggregation per your requirement
your current search which fetch field path
| rex field=path "\/(?<env>[^\/]+)\/site\/(?<country>[^\/]+)\/(?<status>[^\/]+)"
| stats count by env country status
| where country="usa" AND env="dev" AND status="active"
| sort 5 -count
| eval part=split(path,"/")
| stats count by part