I have gone through the docs: routing based on meta data (source, host, sourcetype) to send specific data to a different target group, but isn't working.
I have 10 hosts that send data to an intermediate Heavy Forwarder (HF1), and that sends to another intermediate Heavy Forwarder (HF2) and finally to the indexers.
On the second intermediate forwarder, I added
TRANSFORMS_routing = missioncritical_hosts
On transforms.conf
On outputs.conf
default-group = target_group1
server = idxr2:9997
Restarted splunkd, no errors in splunkd.log
No data from that HF related to missioncritical_servers on the original index mshosts or main. What am I missing?
Thanks in advance!
Can you try with one host in the props and see if it's working?
As per doc the host field should be
host::<host>, where <host> is the host, or host-matching pattern, for an event.
So either it should be a host or a host pattern like myhost* for myhost1,myhost2, etc
If it's working for one host, then you can confirm it's the problem with props.