How do I convert serial date time (1900 Date System)? For example, I would like to convert
41215.10417 to 11/2/12 2:30 AM
Converting to unix time worked for me;
... | eval AAA = (your_time_field - 25569) * 86400 | convert ctime(AAA)
where 25569 is the actual number of days between Jan 1 1900, and Jan 1 1970 (according to some online calendar tool - din't count them myself).
Subtract, multiply, convert, ACTION.
Converting to unix time worked for me;
... | eval AAA = (your_time_field - 25569) * 86400 | convert ctime(AAA)
where 25569 is the actual number of days between Jan 1 1900, and Jan 1 1970 (according to some online calendar tool - din't count them myself).
Subtract, multiply, convert, ACTION.
Works for me.
I would like to do it at index time but doing it at search would be acceptable.
Where are you trying to do the conversion? In a search, or at index time?