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How can I query and find records which have an empty array?

New Member

My JSON looks like this,

"courses" : [ {
"course" : "Analysis of Alg"
"course": "game dev"



I would like to get all the student numbers who haven't registered for any courses --> where "courses" array is empty.

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@ dreddy123

Can you please try this?

YOUR_SEARCH  | rename courses{}.course as courses_course | where isnull(courses_course) 

My Sample Search:

| makeresults | eval _raw="{\"id\":\"studentNumber\",\"courses\":[{\"course\" : \"Analysis of Alg\"},{\"course\": \"game dev\"}]}" | append [ | makeresults | eval _raw="{\"id\":\"studentNumber\",\"courses\":[]}" ] |kv | rename courses{}.course as courses_course | where isnull(courses_course)


0 Karma


Does courses show up as a field in those events? If not, you can use | where isnull(courses)

0 Karma

New Member

"courses" : [ ]
it will show up like this when no courses are registered.

0 Karma


To be a bit more specific, is courses extracted as a field and if so, what is the value?

0 Karma
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