Hey chintan_shah!
Check out the meta woot! app on splunkbase.
It provides many must have views for Splunk Admins, including a licensing data model that show you license usage per event:
This will allow you to monitor how much license a sourcetype/index are using per event.
Once you narrow it down you can then use a search like this to investigate the raw events
index=_internal sourcetype="splunkd"
| eval eventSize=len(_raw)
| table eventSize _raw
| sort - eventSize
and append | stats max(eventSize), avg(eventSize), min(eventSize)
to keep some high level stats on your data.
I am trying to check the license usage consumption by event pattern and trying to create a report which would say which event patterns are consuming more license.
Hey @chintan_shah, did I edit your question correctly? Are you hoping to check your licensing limits? Or is this for your own storage capacity?