There are 2 endpoints that seem to return extractions which are data/transforms/extractions and data/props/extractions. I've created some extractions that don't appear in the list when I hit these endpoints. I can only get an extraction in the list by setting the "Apply to" field to host from the dropdown in the UI. Does anyone have any insight as to why the extraction has to be applied to a host for it to show up in endpoint output?
Right! I'm trying to get a list of every field extraction, but only extractions tagged with "host" are returned.
It should be there. I tried to search an field extraction which is tagged to a sourcetype and the REST API returns result.
| rest /services/data/props/extractions
Kindly accept the answer if it helped you.
Unfortunately, the extractions in question still don't appear when hitting that endpoint.
Try these (it is probably in a different app that you think):
Thanks for the response, this didn't appear to resolve the issue.
How can anybody help you without more detail? The answer that I provided absolutely works unless you do not have privilege/permission to access the endpoint, which is probably the case.
May I know in which screen you see 'Apply to' option?
" I can only get an extraction in the list by setting the "Apply to" field to host from the dropdown in the UI"
Thanks for helping me clarify. The field in question is found here:
Settings Dropdown > Fields > Field Extractions > New Field Extraction > Apply to _____ named _____