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For Hunk, how do you configure indexes.conf to use MR v2?

Path Finder

My provider configuration inside indexes.conf looks like

vix.env.HADOOP_HOME = /opt/hadoop-2.2.0
vix.env.JAVA_HOME = /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle- = hadoop = xxx = yarn
vix.yarn.resourcemanager.address = xxx:8032
vix.yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address= xxx:8030
vix.splunk.home.hdfs = /hunk-dir
vix.splunk.setup.package = /opt/splunk_packages/hunk-6.1.1.tgz

According to the Web UI, this provider is using MR v1. How do I configure it to use MR v2?

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1 Solution

Path Finder

I wanted to do this without going through the UI, mainly so that I can launch a new Hunk node programmatically.

After some messing around, I found that if I set the following

vix.command.arg.3 = $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/jars/SplunkMR-s6.0-hy2.0.jar

Hunk knows that I want to use YARN. There is probably another value for MR v2.

View solution in original post

Path Finder

I wanted to do this without going through the UI, mainly so that I can launch a new Hunk node programmatically.

After some messing around, I found that if I set the following

vix.command.arg.3 = $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/jars/SplunkMR-s6.0-hy2.0.jar

Hunk knows that I want to use YARN. There is probably another value for MR v2.

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

You can select the Haoop version from the UI under "Provider"
Also you need to add these in your indexes.conf:
vix.mapred.job.tracker = = hdfs://
vix.splunk.home.datanode = /

For more detail you can check here:

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