I've followed the documentation best i can to create an instance of splunk enterprise on one windows server
Then added port 9997 as a receiving datat port on this admin page "http://localhost:8000/en-US/manager/search/data/inputs/tcp/cooked"
Then on a different server I've installed a universal forwarder. then added c:\logs as a monitor folder using the CLI command .\splunk.exe add monitor c:\logs
The confirmation "Added monitor of 'c:\logs'." was displayed.
After doing all this the logs still don't appear in the splunk web interface! Is there a log i can look in to see if the files in the logs folder are getting sent or if there is an error? i'm not sure what i'm missing now.
all running on windows 2012 R2 64bit
Check step 5 in the docs http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Forwarding/Setupforwardingandreceiving#Set_up_for... you have to tell the forwarder where to send the monitored data.
cheers, MuS
Check step 5 in the docs http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Forwarding/Setupforwardingandreceiving#Set_up_for... you have to tell the forwarder where to send the monitored data.
cheers, MuS
Thanks for the pointer, im looking into it now
i used the command line from powershell
cmd /c "msiexec.exe /i splunkforwarder-6.2.1-245427-x64-release.msi AGREETOLICENSE=Yes RECEIVING_INDEXER='simdc01:9997' MONITOR_PATH='c:\logs' PERFMON=cpu,memory,network,diskspace /quiet"
to install the forwarder
Is there a CLI command for telling the forwarder where to send the data?
Looks good to me. Can you connect from the forwarder to the indexer port 9997 any firewall between or routing problems? What does splunkd.log on the indexer and the forwarder report?
Thanks for replying so quick. I've got the splunkd logs for both, what am i looking for exactly?
in the forwarder i can see:
TailingProcessor - Parsing configuration stanza: monitor://c:\logs.
TailingProcessor - Adding watch on path: c:\logs.
but i also see this
ERROR TcpOutputProc - LightWeightForwarder/UniversalForwarder not configured. Please configure outputs.conf.
which i guess is what you are refering to in step 5.
Is there a CLI command for setting this up?
using the flag RECEIVING_INDEXER='simdc01:9997'
should have taken care of the outputs.conf
did you check any of the outputs.conf on your forwarder if the config is correct?
none of the forwarders outputs.conf files contain that
Ive added a file at C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\system\local\outputs.conf with the following :
ive restarted the service but still getting the error
TcpOutputProc - LightWeightForwarder/UniversalForwarder not configured. Please configure outputs.conf.
oh .. no, that's not correct. The option RECEIVING_INDEXER
is only used on the CLI. Use this instead in your outputs.conf
defaultGroup = indexers
server = simdc01:9997
autoLB = true
use it this way, because you can add another indexer very easy and have load balancing between them.
Brilliant, now getting the message
TcpOutputProc - Connected to idx=
And seeing a test log file in the splunk UI
Only question left is how do i automate what i just did?
I think the only CLI command i need is the one to configure tcpout is this what you were refering to with the RECEIVING_INDEXER='simdc01:9997'
comment earlier
Take a look at the docs http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Forwarding/DeployaWindowsdfviathecommandline you can find some examples in there. Feel free to accept this as answered - you will get some karma too 😉